Faces Books


A5 collections of my illustrations from 2016-2022.

Available to buy here.

Faces mockup.jpg

How it came about.

In my professional life I work as a Graphic Designer, but in my spare time I doodle. Quite a lot.

I've always been an arty kid, mostly because my Mum encouraged it (she liked to paint as well), and after spending years copying stuff from MAD magazine followed by a brief attempt as a graffiti writer, as my teens drew to a close I really got into drawing people. Particularly faces.

As life went on and things got in the way, I hadn't done any drawings like this for the best part of twenty years, but then thanks to the iPad I found my passion for it again a few years ago. Up until now, all of these illustrations have lived online via my instagram accounts mostly, but I decided to take the plunge and select a few of them to package up into these collections.


Rocky & Wrighty arena